Is College Worth It?

Is College Worth It? College is becoming out of reach, non cost effective, waste of time, money and energy, it is having an impact on everyone who goes, not to mention the debt and the financial impact. In some cases it takes a life time to pay for it.

Tuition and Grades are increasing, while the Success Rates for the Real World is having an impact, such as unemployment under the current administration

Teaching on the College Level, the tuitions are on the increase every year. If you have a small business with this condition you could be brought up on charges. If your an American university you can receive taxpayer subsides.” — Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Is College Worth It?

OK… we need to look at this

Student percentage of learning rates ” shows no significant increase in their learning” in their first two years of class. 45 percent shows no improvement. There is a number that says 40 percent shows, not learning anything over a 4 year period.

CLEARLY College is not making People Smarter.

The students of today don’t study, the number is 35 percent show less than 5 hours a week to study.

Required study time a day is 2.67 hours. It is twice that for every day life things. To include parties.

Illiteracy is on the rise among Adults. The average College student or Grad are below average in Cognitive Tasks. (As being able to calculate cost of food).

Are college students are testing equal to or lower compared to High School students in many other countries

Some of the best Universities in the country are declining in the Academic world.

The college classes are getting weaker. The average GPA is over 3.0. Private schools have the highest GPA in the country. Are students are failing, but we keep passing them.

With $Billions of are taxes going to these Institutions to help subsidize them!!! This is true. If a private Business where taking tax dollars to help them out but yet fail to complete there task, there would be Indictments.

So what do we do about it?

You may not have to spend thousands alone in tuition dollars , the Education you will have access to with it’s proven history will help you earn and create incomes up to hundreds if not thousands a week for that person who works for it.

This is not a 2 year plan or even a 4 year or 8 year plan. You will learn to earn in as little as 1 month to 6 months.

Your cost!!! You can get started with as little as $97.

You don’t believe me, look at the numbers compared to college. the truth is that it has been proven by Millions of Americans.

There is more… you will receive a full 60 Days are your money back guarantee!

Get Started!!! Have a look for yourself… and if your thinking about it, just get started now and learn what you are about to do. When you are in, you will gain the knowledge you earn a potential income that will change your life. You can not learn this in school. The question is, college or something else. You will get some great options when you get connected to us.


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